The Art of Embodiment:

100 Hour Trauma Inclusive Training



The meaning of ATMAN is the innermost essence of each individual.

The 100 hour training weaves together the foundations from the 50 hour training and continues to break down what it means to be a lifelong practitioner of yoga. Through the lens of embodiment you will learn how to hold trauma-informed spaces, incorporate anatomy into your classes, how to sequence, build your brand and how to embody yoga. This training will incorporate new teachers and teachings to continue the path of learning and diversify perspectives. You do not have to take the 50 hour training to sign up for this module. There are no prerequisites.

As a part of this training you will get a 25 class card to MOTA, in order to be able to sustain your practice during the training and the 100hr manual. During this training we will be reading the Bhagavad Gita.

Our teacher training is self-paced and module-based. Which means you can start wherever you’d like within this program. There is no requirement to do this training in any specific order. With a two year timeline, you have the space to move through this at your own pace.

We’re always here to help with questions or support! Sign up for our info sessions or if you have urgent questions, reach out to our program lead: Sophie Lyons

What You’ll Learn

  • September 23rd 11a-3:30p

    September 24th 9a-2:30p

    Purchase Weekend Pass Here

    There will be self-paced recorded content as well.

    In this module we will learn the fundamental and nuanced theories around yoga & trauma.

    Students should expect to learn language and practices that support inclusivity, accessibility & diversity on and off the mat in personal and professional spaces. We will dive deep into intersectionality, white supremacy culture, safe spaces, decolonizing yoga and so much more.

    Staff - Monia Fernandez, Sophie Lyons & Roberto Lim

  • October 28th 11a-3:30p

    October 29th 9a-2:30p

    Purchase a Weekend Pass Here

    There will be self-paced recorded content as well.

    A large part of western yoga is asana; the postures. Through many experiences of the teacher/student dynamic, sometimes the unspoken hierarchy of that relationship can sway the intuition and fire up the ego.

    During this module we will learn foundational and situational anatomy to support agency and advocacy in the physical body. Students should expect to learn how to support common injuries as well as different types of individual learning dynamics.

    Staff: Monia Fernandez, Bre Marie Meagher & Claire Metrick

  • November 18th 11a-3:30p

    November 19th 9a-2:30p

    Purchase Weekend Pass Here

    There will be self-paced recorded content as well.

    When beginning or transitioning into the wellness industry, it can be a bit challenging to know where to begin. How do you find your niche? How do you register your business? How do you make a website? How do you find clients?

    We will work through these questions and so many more to understand how we want to be experienced and what are our boundaries within that.

    Staff: Monia Fernandez & Sophie Lyons

  • December 16th 11a-3:30p

    December 17th 9a-2:30p

    Purchase Weekend Pass Here

    There will be self-paced recorded content as well.

    A large part of teaching through a trauma inclusive lens is accessibility and language. When teaching humans, it is important to have a plan - but let it be loose so that if can support the people in front of you. We can’t 100% trigger proof a space for every single person but creating a solid foundation of inclusivity is where it begins.

    During this module, students should expect to learn language that supports different human experiences, how to piece together sequences that make space for individualism and how that might look when working closely in one on one sessions.

    Staff: Sophie Lyons, SarahEmily Pina, Madjeen Lorthe & Monia Fernandez

  • January 27th 11a-3:30p

    January 28th 9a-2:30p

    Purchase Weekend Pass Here

    There will be self-paced recorded content as well.

    This is where the skills become action. New habits become second nature.

    During this module we will begin to bring together all that we’ve learned over the past few months and put it into practice. There will be more time spent on internal work to external the experience.

    Students should expect to be presented with tools and resources to support their next steps within their studentship or teaching paths.

    Staff: Monia Fernandez & Sophie Lyons


BIPOC & Trans Rate PWYC

  • $1325.00

    -Pay your deposit - Email for a payment plan

    -Remaining Balance after deposit is paid

    -Pay in Full

    If you have the ability to pay more, please send us an email with the rate you would like to pay and we can arrange the payment preference.

  • This rate is for people who identify as BIPOC or trans. At the moment we currently do not have anyone on staff that identifies as trans but we would like to help create spaces for wellness and education for the trans community.

    The rate for this community is designed to support those who typically don’t have access or feel welcome in wellness spaces. If you’re able to pay more, you have the option to do so at checkout but if this rate aligns with your accessibility, please choose at your discretion.

  • We understand that trainings are a great way to develop a deeper awareness within our educational, mental and spiritual body. We also understand that these costs can be quite high to pay all at once. This is why we are offing payments plans for ALL rates.

    Deposit/Payment 1: $350

    5 Payments of ~ $195

    Email to set up a payment plan

    *Set as an autopay, all payments are final - no transfers or refunds.

Foundational Rate PWYC

  • $1625.00

    -Pay your deposit - Email for a payment plan

    -Remaining Balance after deposit is paid

    -Pay in Full

    If you have the ability to pay more, please send us an email with the rate you would like to pay and we can arrange the payment preference.

    Register Here

    *all payments are final - no transfers or refunds.

  • This rate is our standard rate which sustains our offering for our community. This rate allows us to support our teachers so that they can continue their self studies (Svādhyāya) and education to guide y’all into your wellness education journey.

  • We understand that trainings are a great way to develop a deeper awareness within our educational, mental and spiritual body. We also understand that these costs can be quite high to pay all at once. This is why we are offing payments plans for ALL rates.

    Deposit/Payment 1: $450

    5 Payments of ~ $235

    Email to set up a payment plan

    *Set as an autopay, all payments are final - no transfers or refunds.

Ability Rate PWYC

  • $1925.00

    -Pay your deposit - Email for a payment plan

    -Remaining Balance after deposit is paid

    -Pay in Full

    If you have the ability to pay more, please send us an email with the rate you would like to pay and we can arrange the payment preference.

    Register Here

    *all payments are final - no transfers or refunds.

  • This rate is for those who have the ability to pay more to support the BIPOC & Trans communities, as well as our teaching staff. This rate allows us to offer as many resources as we can to promote longevity in education for our students but also sustain the financial livelihood of MOTA.

  • We understand that trainings are a great way to develop a deeper awareness within our educational, mental and spiritual body. We also understand that these costs can be quite high to pay all at once. This is why we are offing payments plans for ALL rates.

    Deposit/Payment 1: $550

    5 Payments of ~ $275

    Email to set up a payment plan

    *Set as an autopay, all payments are final - no transfers or refunds.

Training Team

  • Monia Fernandez (she/her)

    Training Lead

  • Claire Marie Metrick (she/her)

    Teacher Training Staff

  • Francesca Focarelli (sher/her)

    Teacher Training Staff

  • SarahEmily Pina (she/her)

    Teacher Training Staff